
Joel Hans
Joel Hans

Build your developer-defined "golden path" with the Kubernetes Gateway API and ngrok

Working together, the Kubernetes Gateway API and ngrok’s Cloud put power back into developers’ hands while abstracting away all the complexity of secure Kubernetes networking.
April 25, 2024
min read
Abdirahman Osman
Abdirahman Osman

Introducing support for the Kubernetes Gateway API in the ngrok Kubernetes Operator

Get all the benefits of ngrok with Kubernetes: effortless configuration, environment independence, security with resiliency, and acceleration.
March 18, 2024
min read
Jonathan Stacks
Jonathan Stacks

What makes the ngrok Kubernetes Ingress Controller different?

Explore how ngrok's Kubernetes Ingress Controller uniquely operates behind NAT, simplifies software management, supports dev/prod parity with powerful modules, and more.
February 22, 2024
min read
Mandy Hubbard
Mandy Hubbard

ngrok’s Ingress Controller now available in digital marketplaces

Learn about deploying ngrok's Ingress Controller for Kubernetes from the VMWare Tanzu, DigitalOcean, and Civo digital marketplaces.
January 9, 2024
min read
Joel Hans
Joel Hans

Build an API in Next.js and deploy with Rancher

See how to build and deploy a Next.js application in Kubernetes with Rancher
November 29, 2023
min read
Christian Hollinger
Christian Hollinger

How ngrok uses Dagster to run our data platform

Explore how ngrok leverages Dagster to orchestrate its data platform, ensuring efficient data management and insights generation.
November 16, 2023
min read