Introducing Load Balancer support for ngrok Kubernetes Operator
ngrok is happy to announce that we’ve added support for Kubernetes Load Balancer services to our Kubernetes Operator to streamline connectivity to your applications. This addition unifies the process of getting TCP and TLS connectivity to services running in your Kubernetes clusters.
Prior to this feature, you could connect to services in Kubernetes using ngrok’s TCPEdge and TLSEdge custom resource (CR). However, these custom resources were a bit cumbersome to consume, prone to misconfiguration, and tedious to template out. Support for Kubernetes Load Balancer services provides additional benefits over using ngrok’s custom resources, as discussed below.
The example app
This post uses an example telnet server — ngrok-ascii — built from the Docker image ngroksamples/ngrok-ascii to demonstrate how ngrok supports TCP and TLS connections. This server runs on port 9090 and returns a sequence of bytes, some of which are ASCII control characters and ANSI terminal escape codes, that spell ngrok whenever a client connects. Like so:

To run the server in Kubernetes, you can apply a manifest like the one below that defines Service and Deployment resources.
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
name: ngrok-ascii
namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
replicas: 1
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
- name: ngrok-ascii
image: jonstacks/ngrok-ascii:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
args: ["serve", "9090"]
# Filter out health checks that come from the kubelet
fieldPath: status.hostIP
- containerPort: 9090
name: telnet
port: 9090
initialDelaySeconds: 2 #Default 0
periodSeconds: 60 #Default 10
timeoutSeconds: 2 #Default 1
successThreshold: 1 #Default 1
failureThreshold: 5 #Default 3
cpu: 100m
memory: 64Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 64Mi
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: ngrok-ascii
namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
- name: telnet
port: 23
targetPort: telnet
The server is now running in the cluster and other applications can access it via the ngrok-ascii service, but how do you expose it outside the cluster and to the internet?
TCPEdge and TLSEdge Custom Resources(CRs)
You can add ingress to your Kubernetes services using the ingress controller feature of ngrok’s Kubernetes Operator. Previously, you would have to create the following two resources to connect the ngrok-ascii service to the internet with ngrok:
kind: TCPEdge
apiVersion: ingress.k8s.ngrok.com/v1alpha1
name: ngrok-ascii-edge
namespace: default
- ipp_2KZtV8hrTPdf0Q0lS4KCDGosGXl
k8s.ngrok.com/namespace: default
k8s.ngrok.com/service: ngrok-ascii
k8s.ngrok.com/port: "23"
kind: Tunnel
apiVersion: ingress.k8s.ngrok.com/v1alpha1
name: ngrok-ascii-tunnel
namespace: default
forwardsTo: ngrok-ascii.default.svc.cluster.local:23
k8s.ngrok.com/namespace: default
k8s.ngrok.com/service: ngrok-ascii
k8s.ngrok.com/port: "23"
The first thing to note is that the Tunnel resource’s labels must match the TCPEdge resource’s backend labels so the TCPEdge can correctly select the matching tunnel. Second, it was necessary to specify the value for forwardsTo correctly so that the tunnel forwards the traffic correctly to the ngrok-ascii service on the correct port.
In addition to creating a core Kubernetes Service, you need to create two more complex custom resource objects with many places for mistakes. The following section discusses how the new LoadBalancer service simplifies this process.
Load balancer services
ngrok now offers the Kubernetes-native method for getting L4 traffic into your cluster with our new LoadBalancer class. Load Balancer services are implementation-specific. They provision an external load balancer (AWS NLB, Google Cloud Load Balancer, etc.) and communicate the external IP or hostname to the service. To use ngrok’s Kubernetes Load Balancer controller, create a Service resource with type=LoadBalancer and loadBalancerClass=ngrok using a manifest like the one below.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: ngrok-ascii
namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: false
loadBalancerClass: ngrok
- name: telnet
port: 23
protocol: TCP
targetPort: telnet
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
type: LoadBalancer
To switch from using ngrok’s <code>TCPEdge</code> and <code>TLSEdge</code> custom resources to using the new load balancer service, change the service's manifest as follows:
- Add a type: <code>LoadBalancer</code> field to the <code>Service</code> definition to designate it as a Load Balancer service.
- Add <code>loadBalancerClass</code>: <code>ngrok</code> to the <code>Service</code> definition. The ngrok service controller will watch for services with <code>loadBalancerClass=ngrok</code>, automatically create the necessary <code>TCPEdge</code>/<code>TLSEdge</code>, <code>Domain</code>, and <code>Tunnel</code> resources for you, and manage their lifecycle.
- [Optional] Add <code>allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts</code>: <code>false</code> to the <code>Service</code> definition. As discussed in detail in a later section, the ngrok <code>LoadBalancer</code> class doesn't require you to allocate node ports.
Now, running <code>kubectl get services -o yaml ngrok-ascii</code> displays something like the following in the status field:
- hostname: 5.tcp.ngrok.io
- port: 24114
protocol: TCP
And that's it! The ngrok service controller will automatically create your resources and manage their lifecycle. You can now access the ngrok-ascii service at <code>5.tcp.ngrok.io:24114</code>!
In this example, you would run<code>telnet 5.tcp.ngrok.io 24114</code>:

And just like that, the TCP service is available on the internet.
If you don’t want to use a random port for your services and would like something easier to remember, you can simply specify the domain with an annotation such as <code>k8s.ngrok.com/domain: ascii.ngrok.io</code>
ngrok will provision a valid certificate for the service and encrypt traffic between the client and ngrok while serving the application on port 443
. To use TLS, modify the ngrok-ascii
service as indicated below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: ngrok-ascii
namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
k8s.ngrok.com/domain: ascii.ngrok.io # <--- Use a TLS Edge
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: false
loadBalancerClass: ngrok
- name: telnet
port: 23
protocol: TCP
targetPort: telnet
app.kubernetes.io/name: ngrok-ascii
type: LoadBalancer
This service is now accessible by running the following command:<code>openssl s_client -connect ascii.ngrok.io:443</code>

Use with ExternalDNS
Let's say you haveexternal-dns
running in your cluster and configured to manage DNS for mydomain.com
. Prior to this release of ngrok’s Kubernetes Operator, you could achieve connectivity to your TCP and TLS services running in Kubernetes, but external-dns
didn’t know how to communicate with the resulting custom resource objects.
Providing this connectivity through the standard Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service
resource allows integration with external-dns
. You can quickly provide access to the myapp
service at myapp.mydomain.com
by adding the following annotations to the Service
definition for myapp:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myapp
namespace: default
app.kubernetes.io/name: myapp
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: myapp.mydomain.com
k8s.ngrok.com/domain: myapp.mydomain.com
Now, if you check the status of the myapp
service you'll see the following in the status
- hostname: 2r93fef65h7ku1vtu.4raw8yu7nq6zsudp4.ngrok-cname.com
- port: 443
protocol: TCP
Within a few minutes, external-dns
will create a CNAME
record for myapp.mydomain.com
pointing to 2r93fef65h7ku1vtu.4raw8yu7nq6zsudp4.ngrok-cname.com
, and you can access your myapp service at myapp.mydomain.com
on port 443
Benefits of using ngrok load balancer services
No need to expose node ports
Usually, when creating a LoadBalancer
service, Kubernetes allocates a port on each node that forwards traffic to healthy endpoints via kube-proxy
. This is because the provisioned load balancer sits outside the cluster and forwards traffic to the node port. If pod IPs are routable from outside the cluster, you can set allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts
to false
ngrok works uniquely by creating an outbound tunnel that can receive traffic back over the same tunnel. The provisioned load balancer that forwards traffic back into your cluster is environment-agnostic—including cloud and on-prem. Since this forwarding happens inside the cluster, it allows for even more restrictive firewall/security group rules on your Kubernetes nodes. You get connectivity to your applications while allowing only outbound traffic. Thus, there is no need to allocate node ports.
Works anywhere, even on-prem and private clusters
In addition to ngrok’s Kubernetes Operator providing ingress-as-a-service, the release of support for the LoadBalancer
service means your services work the same locally as they do in production across cloud providers and on-prem clusters. To learn more about ngrok’s Kubernetes Operator, check out these other posts on our blog.
- Introducing the ngrok Kubernetes Operator
- What makes the ngrok Kubernetes Operator different
- Introducing support for the Kubernetes Gateway API in the ngrok Kubernetes Operator
Sign up, try ngrok for free today, and chat with us in our Community Repo if you have questions or feedback.