All the ways to hang with an ngrokker (and see what they built) at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2025

As someone prepping a talk for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2025, I can tangibly feel that we’re less than two weeks away from being together in London. It weighs on my brain. It keeps me up at night!

But it’s also going to be a thrilling, K8s-packed week, and to make sure no one misses out on meeting our team or learning more about what we’ve built for the cloud native community—find us:

At Platform Engineering Day

On April 1, we’ll be posted up outside the co-located Platform Engineering Day to talk about how ngrok helps you simplify ingress into your internal developer platform. As a platform engineer, you can manage your API gateway’s security, routing, and traffic management while allowing developers to ship quickly and add more Traffic Policy rules just to their services.

Find us (and everything else) at Level 1, Hall Entrance N10, Room F.

Around the Solutions Showcase

The ngrok booth is located in the North Hall at N611. If you find yourself at the CNCF Project Pavillion, a double-wide booth devoted to video games, or have just finished up a pickleball match, you’re close. As a reward for finding us, we’ll have plenty of swag to hand out and clusters ready to demo.

We’ll also be floating around the floor—if you see someone in an ngrok shirt, say hi!

Jet lagged or fully depleted social batteries? Grab a coffee on us at the coffee bar at S370.

At our Gateway API and API gateway talks

Kate Osborn, who just started at ngrok a few weeks ago, joins four other Gateway API contributors to talk through key considerations when selecting an implementation—scale, performance, installation, ongoing management, and more.

I’m also giving a talk on a new maturity model designed to help you self-assess how your API gateway works as part of an internal developer platform and systematically explore what to build next. Come see this new “algorithm” put into action and contribute to its future!

At our official-unofficial pub night

Join us on April 3, 5:00pm BST at Galyons Royal Docks for a chill get-together after the showcase closes down. We’d love to meet you in a more personable place than the bright-and-chaotic floor.

Space is limited, so please RSVP if you're interested. Drinks are on us!

All over v0.18.0 of the ngrok Kubernetes Operator

We’re shipping v0.18.0 when we land in London—the last big build phase before we turn the corner toward polish and an official v1.0 release of our Kubernetes Operator.

First: documentation is dropping soon. We’re revamping and building dozens of docs on how the Operator works and its underlying architecture, plus quickstarts for ngrok CRDs, Gateway API, and Ingresses. We can’t wait for you all to have your hands on all the information you need to make the Operator sing in your clusters.

We’re extending Gateway API support beyond HTTPRoute and into TCPRoute and TLSRoute to translate those upstream services into agent endpoints automatically. You’ll get all the same options to apply Traffic Policy rules to your Gateway resources or only specific TCP/TLS routes, and the Operator handles creating/updating/deleting resources for you on demand.

Finally, we’re changing the default strategy for creating ngrok resources to only create agent endpoints. That helps you optimize for costs, but also gives you the option to enable endpoints-verbose to provision cloud endpoint that forwards traffic to an internal agent endpoint, which can make fallback smoother if your pods crash.

Most importantly: If you’re curious to see how our Kubernetes Operator looks and feels in action, stop by our booth (once again, N611) for a live demo!

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Joel Hans
Joel Hans is a Senior Developer Educator. Away from blog posts and demo apps, you might find him mountain biking, writing fiction, or digging holes in his yard.
Kubernetes Operator
Kubernetes Gateway API