Introducing the Basic Auth Traffic Policy action
We're excited to announce our Basic Auth Traffic Policy action that allows you to enforce HTTP Basic Authentication on incoming requests as outlined in RFC 7235. Adding Basic Auth to your application is simple—just specify up to ten sets of credentials and apply the following Traffic Policy rule to your endpoint:
- actions:
- type: basic-auth
This blog post explains how this action works and how to add it to your Traffic Policy rules.
How Basic Authentication works
Basic Auth enables a user agent, such as an API client or web browser, to supply a username and password with an HTTP request. ngrok then validates these credentials and forwards authorized requests to your upstream service.
Let’s look at an example. The traffic policy rule below ensures that only HTTP requests that include the username mandy
with the password ngrokrocks
can reach your service.
- name: Add basic auth
expressions: [ ]
- type: basic-auth
realm: Admin Login
- 'mandy:ngrokrocks'
You can start an agent endpoint and apply the policy above by saving it to a file and passing it in the following command, substituting the appropriate value for {YOUR_DOMAIN}
ngrok http 3000 --url={YOUR_DOMAIN} --traffic-policy-file=policy.yaml
Once you run this command, ngrok forwards requests that pass validation to the upstream service at YOUR_DOMAIN
, which serves the application running on port 3000
of the host where you ran this command. If the authorization fails, ngrok immediately rejects the request in our global network. You have successfully offloaded authorization to ngrok!
Pass Basic Auth credentials in requests
For non-interactive, programmatic access to your application or service, such as API calls, the client encodes the username and password in Base64, separated by a colon (e.g., mandy:ngrokrocks
), and passes it in the request’s Authorization
header. You can create this string programmatically or with a Basic Authentication header generator.
Configure the Basic Auth action
You can configure this action using these configuration properties:
- A list of allowedusername:password
credential pairs. Passwords must be at least eight characters and no more than 128 characters. You may configure up to 10 sets of credentials. Required.realm
- The HTTP realm, as perRFC 7235
. The default is ngrok. Optional.enforce
- Whether or not to block unauthorized requests or execute the next Traffic Policy rule—defaults totrue
. Optional.
If this is false,
you can take other actions, like sending a custom response rather than immediately rejecting the request. The action result variable allows you to check whether the verification was successful. Setting this value to false
facilitates testing, debugging, and handling fall-through.
Evaluate Traffic Policy results
When the Basic Auth Traffic Policy action executes, it returns an action.ngrok.basic_auth
object containing the following properties, which you can reference in subsequent Traffic Policy rules:
- Whether the request presented Basic Auth credentials in theAuthorization
- Whether the request presented Basic Auth credentials in theAuthorization
- Whether the request provided Basic Auth credentials authorized for this endpoint.
When to use the Basic Auth action
Basic Auth is the quickest way to secure your application or service with ngrok, offering an effortless setup without requiring external redirects or complex configurations with third-party auth providers. It's perfect for sharing your project securely without exposing it to the entire internet.
Basic Auth seamlessly integrates into legacy applications that don’t support higher-level authentication protocols. It also effectively protects internal APIs and facilitates rapid prototyping. While we recommend implementing OAuth or JWT validation for modern production environments, Basic Auth provides an effective layer of protection during development.
Implement the Basic Auth Traffic Policy action
Let’s apply the same Basic Auth rule discussed above to a cloud endpoint. This example uses the ngrok API, but you can also create and configure cloud endpoints in the dashboard.
- name: Add basic auth
expressions: [ ]
- type: basic-auth
realm: Admin Login
- 'mandy:ngrokrocks'
- actions:
- type: forward-internal
url: https://api.internal
binding: internal
This example policy forwards requests authenticated with the username mandy
and the password ngrokrocks
to an internal endpoint at https://api.internal
while immediately rejecting unauthorized requests. This rule can be applied using the ngrok dashboard, agent CLI, API, or SDKs.
To apply this policy to a cloud endpoint using the ngrok agent API client, save the policy to a file and run the following command, replacing {YOUR_API_KEY}
with your specific values:
ngrok api endpoints create \
--api-key {YOUR_API_KEY} \
--bindings public \
--description "Cloud endpoint with Basic Auth" \
--metadata “basic auth cloud endpoint” \
--url https://{YOUR_DOMAIN}
--traffic-policy "$(cat policies.yaml)"
Chain Traffic Policy rules
With traffic policies, you can combine rules, incorporate CEL variables, and conditionally apply actions based on the outcomes of previously executed rules. Let’s extend the example above and apply it to a cloud endpoint.
The following rule sets enforce
to false
, allowing unauthorized requests initiated programmatically—such as API calls or curl commands—to proceed to the following rule in the Traffic Policy file. This flexibility enables testing and debugging programmatic workflows such as API calls.
The response will include a custom header and the message Verification failed at ${time.now}
instead of the default 401 Unauthorized
When authentication succeeds, ngrok forwards the requests to the internal endpoint at https://api.internal
- name: Add basic auth
expressions: [ ]
- type: basic-auth
realm: Admin Login
- 'mandy:ngrokrocks'
enforce: false
- name: debug unauthorized request
- actions.ngrok.basic_auth.credentials.authorized == false
- type: custom-response
status_code: 401
content: "Verification failed at ${time.now}"
content-type: text/html
message: Basic Auth verification failed!
endpoint_id: "${endpoint.id}"
failed_at: "${time.now}"
- name: successful verification response
- type: forward-internal
url: https://api.internal
binding: internal
It’s important to note that when you set enforce to false, the browser will not display a Basic Auth dialog. Instead, the browser sends the request without an Authorization
header, which fails immediately—as expected. We designed this functionality with API requests in mind, as testing and debugging requests sent programmatically can be more challenging.
What else can I do with Basic Auth?
Beyond offering powerful Basic Authentication capabilities, ngrok also allows you to inspect, replay, and analyze logged requests.
Evaluate failed authentication events
You can view logged events in the ngrok dashboard or by examining the ngrok agent logs to gather more information about failed Basic Authentication attempts.

Migrate to the Basic Auth action
Before the release of the Basic Auth Traffic Policy action, you could configure Basic Auth using the agent CLI as follows:
ngrok http 80 --basic-auth "username1:password1" --basic-auth "username2:password2"
Transitioning from using Basic Auth on the command line to adding the Basic Auth action to your Traffic Policy rules is seamless and straightforward! To use the same Basic Auth passed on the command line in the example above with Traffic Policy, save the following to a file:
- name: Add basic auth
expressions: [ ]
- type: basic-auth
realm: Admin Login
- ‘username1:password1’
- ‘usermame2:password2‘
Then start your agent and pass the file as an argument:
ngrok http 80 --traffic-policy-file=/path/to/file.yml
Check it out and learn more about traffic management with ngrok
You’re all set to add the Basic Auth Traffic Policy action to your endpoints—you can sign up for a free account to get started. Here are some other resources to help you learn more about using ngrok’s Traffic Policy engine:
- CEL Interpolation docs
- Traffic Policy Engine - What are CEL variables?
- An intro to ngrok’s Traffic Policy Engine
Have questions or want to request a new feature? We’d love to hear from you. Email us at support@ngrok.com or create an issue or discussion on the ngrok community repo.