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TCP Tunnels

Not all services you wish to expose are HTTP or TLS based. ngrok TCP tunnels allow you to expose any networked service that runs over TCP. This is commonly used to expose SSH, game servers, databases and more. Starting a TCP tunnel is easy.

Expose a TCP based service running on port 1234
ngrok tcp 1234

Reserved TCP Addresses

Normally, the remote address and port is assigned randomly each time you start a TCP tunnel. For production services (and convenience) you often want a stable, guaranteed remote address. To do this, first, log in to your dashboard and click "Reserve Address" in the "Reserved TCP Addresses" section. Then use the --remote-addr option when invoking ngrok to bind a tunnel on your reserved TCP address. Make sure the --region you specify matches the region in which you reserved your address.

Bind a TCP tunnel on a reserved remote address
ngrok tcp --region=us --remote-addr 22

TCP Tunnel Examples

Expose an SSH server listening on the default port
ngrok tcp 22
Expose a Postgres server listening on the default port
ngrok tcp 5432
Expose an RDP server listening on the default port
ngrok tcp 3389

TCP Tunnel Configuration Options

Check out the ngrok agent TCP tunnel documentation for all the configuration options for TCP tunnels.