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Edge Route OIDC Module

Replace HTTPS Edge Route OIDC Module


PUT /edges/https/{edge_id}/routes/{id}/oidc

Example Request



enabledbooleantrue if the module will be applied to traffic, false to disable. default true if unspecified
options_passthroughbooleanDo not enforce authentication on HTTP OPTIONS requests. necessary if you are supporting CORS.
cookie_prefixstringthe prefix of the session cookie that ngrok sets on the http client to cache authentication. default is 'ngrok.'
inactivity_timeoutuint32Integer number of seconds of inactivity after which if the user has not accessed the endpoint, their session will time out and they will be forced to reauthenticate.
maximum_durationuint32Integer number of seconds of the maximum duration of an authenticated session. After this period is exceeded, a user must reauthenticate.
issuerstringURL of the OIDC "OpenID provider". This is the base URL used for discovery.
client_idstringThe OIDC app's client ID and OIDC audience.
client_secretstringThe OIDC app's client secret.
scopesList<string>The set of scopes to request from the OIDC identity provider.


Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response



enabledbooleantrue if the module will be applied to traffic, false to disable. default true if unspecified
options_passthroughbooleanDo not enforce authentication on HTTP OPTIONS requests. necessary if you are supporting CORS.
cookie_prefixstringthe prefix of the session cookie that ngrok sets on the http client to cache authentication. default is 'ngrok.'
inactivity_timeoutuint32Integer number of seconds of inactivity after which if the user has not accessed the endpoint, their session will time out and they will be forced to reauthenticate.
maximum_durationuint32Integer number of seconds of the maximum duration of an authenticated session. After this period is exceeded, a user must reauthenticate.
issuerstringURL of the OIDC "OpenID provider". This is the base URL used for discovery.
client_idstringThe OIDC app's client ID and OIDC audience.
client_secretstringThe OIDC app's client secret.
scopesList<string>The set of scopes to request from the OIDC identity provider.

Get HTTPS Edge Route OIDC Module


GET /edges/https/{edge_id}/routes/{id}/oidc

Example Request



Returns a 200 response on success

Example Response



enabledbooleantrue if the module will be applied to traffic, false to disable. default true if unspecified
options_passthroughbooleanDo not enforce authentication on HTTP OPTIONS requests. necessary if you are supporting CORS.
cookie_prefixstringthe prefix of the session cookie that ngrok sets on the http client to cache authentication. default is 'ngrok.'
inactivity_timeoutuint32Integer number of seconds of inactivity after which if the user has not accessed the endpoint, their session will time out and they will be forced to reauthenticate.
maximum_durationuint32Integer number of seconds of the maximum duration of an authenticated session. After this period is exceeded, a user must reauthenticate.
issuerstringURL of the OIDC "OpenID provider". This is the base URL used for discovery.
client_idstringThe OIDC app's client ID and OIDC audience.
client_secretstringThe OIDC app's client secret.
scopesList<string>The set of scopes to request from the OIDC identity provider.

Delete HTTPS Edge Route OIDC Module


DELETE /edges/https/{edge_id}/routes/{id}/oidc

Example Request



Returns a 204 response with no body on success